Breeders, and exhibitors of purebred Smooth Coat Fox Terriers
Gentleman of the Terriers
Conformation Shows
Care and Love

Because of the dog’s joyfulness, our own is increased. It is no small gift. It is not the least reason why we should honor as well as love the dog of our own life, and the dog down the street, and all the dogs not yet born. What would the world be like without music or rivers or the green and tender grass? What would this world be like without dogs?
Who is Charlemagne
Many years of success was enjoyed with this little breed – Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. However, Brian Tolley then added Great Danes in 1972 and with Great Dane “Ch Noble Nero of Coledane”, starting something that we never could have foreseen as the most successful and enjoyable years following for us all with this beloved breed.
How do you pronouce, Charlemagne?
There are 3 syllables, and if you are kiwi, you pronounce it as:
“SHAA +”le” + “main”
For the Love of the breed
Previous Winners
We are a small kennel based in the Rangiora, New Zealand, where our dogs interact within a home environment. We show and are dedicated to breeding for breed type to contribute to the future of this wonderful breed. Our distinct aim is to breed healthy purebred Smooth Coat Fox Terriers with good temperaments.
Campaigning Dogs
Carrie Tolley
I have a small kennel of four and do not breed often. All of my dogs spend a lot of time in my home and are part of my family. They are also thrilled to spend time in the kennel outside with indoor/outdoor runs while I am working - where I am sure they get up to foxie craziness!
I am president for the NZ Fox Terrier Club and a member of the Canterbury Combined Terrier Club and the Canterbury Juniors Kennel Society - which is a club promoting and guiding young members in making decisions regarding their own club and conformation shows.

Smooth Fox Terrier Enquiry?
Enquiries regarding puppies or stud services, fill out the form below.