The Smooth Coat Fox Terrier is a high energy breed that is playful, self-confident, mischievous, curious, independent and bold. Smooth Fox Terriers enjoy being the centre of attention and are highly alert and devoted to his family; they love playing with children.
For the Love of the breed
Charlemagne Skye’s The Limit

Charlemagne Skye’s The Limit

AM & NZ CH. Halcar Just Inked (IMP-USA)
CH. Charlemagne Living Doll

AM CH. Belfox Ink
AM GR CH. AM CH. Halcar Broxden Just Is
CH. Charlemagne Wisprin Jack
NZ CH. Firezan Pinkfloyd (IMP-AUST)

AM CH. Belfox Emperor
Sufredon Grace
GR CHS & AM CH. J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice JE
AM CH. Halcar Brown Sugar
NZ & CAN CH. Instyle’s Last Hero Standing (IMP-CAN)
Harewood Sweet Taste Of Freedom (IMP-USA)
CH. Firezan Norwegian Wood
CH. Wyninebah Infinity

Skye winning Best Junior In Show at the Fox Terrier Champ show Oct 2022 Judge Mr J Green
Lockie taking Reserve Best of Group with Skye, he handled her to this win.
Best of Group went to the Sealyham handled by Lockie’s mum Lauren.

Wins to date
Best Junior In Show Fox Terrier CH Show | Judge Mr J Green
Best In Show Open Show| Judge Mr R King
Reserve Best of Group | Judge Mrs C Symmans

3rd place in the annual Christmas fancy dress
Lockie (Elf) with Skye (Reindeer)